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Lose Belly Fat by Drinking Water

Want to lose belly fat ? You probably know that you have to exercise more and eat healthy. But have you ever thought what you drink may be an important factor in your ability to lose the spirit of belly fat ? After reading this short article you will know why drinking water greatly help in losing belly fat , the amount of drinking water and how water improves your health while losing belly fat .

It might be a surprise to you, but we humans are mostly made ​​of water - about 60% for men and 55% for women. Where does this difference come from? Well , women tend to have more body fat and adipose tissue contains only 14 % water, lean muscle mass while containing 75 % water. This means : In fact, there is a correlation between the amount of water in our bodies and how we are overweight - the thinner , more water.

Our body needs water to function properly. Water removes toxins, and not just in the bathroom . Even if you do not feel like sweating, you're body is constantly pumping water from your skin and lungs. It must be replenished fast can continue for weeks without food, but only days without water.

You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 170 pounds , you should drink 65 ounces or about 2 liters.

In our modern society most people drink liquids - these often contain fake sugar or corn syrup added which makes it difficult to lose belly fat . Sodas are a no-no if you want to lose belly sodas called "diet" even fat. You should stay away from too much coffee - caffeine pushes water out of your blood. What many do not know : alcohol needs water to deal with in your body. So drink beer or wine does not help when trying to get enough to drink .

An easy and healthy way to get water is to eat liquid food . In fact, most natural unprocessed foods with a high water content . Think salads or vegetables - this is another reason why salads and vegetables are good for you.

If your stomach is full of water , you will not feel so hungry . A common trick is to eat less to have a low calorie, clear soup before meals. The stomach is full , so eat less automatically . A glass of water would be too .

If you drink enough water , you will not feel compelled to drink sodas - avoid all chemicals and sugars or artificial sweeteners they contain.

In general, our bodies are made to drink plenty of water. It is only very recently that we have begun to abandon the water and switched to soda and other unhealthy drinks. Back to naturally and start drinking water - you will lose belly fat much easier.