Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Stomach Acidity, PH, Water and Your Health

You suffer from acid reflux or heartburn? PH too low stomach acid can cause . Do you wake up in the middle of the night with a burning pain in the center of your chest? Do not allow progress . Overtime could be GERD , a more serious health threat .

During antacids is the drug of choice for most people with stomach and acid reflux burns. If your symptoms are chronic, you can choose to see your family doctor . I went to my doctor. He prescribed pills that cost more than $ 100 per bottle me .

I'm sure you've studied what resources are available to relieve heartburn , acid reflux and indigestion. I did it . You have more than likely discovered that the food is the main consideration. Most remedies that claim to eliminate spicy foods , alcohol and snuff . That is logical. The problem is that many of us love these vices.

Stomach acidity and pH

Survey stomach acidity and stomach problems, you will discover that there is a direct relationship between the acidity of the stomach, pH and water . Do you remember your current health and biology in high school that our bodies are 70 % water ? Do not forget to test the fire in chemistry class ? The test measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. PH ( potential of hydrogen or hydrogen parts) was measured .

The pH is in a range of 0 to 14, 7 is neutral . A low number indicates that the substance is acidic. A higher number indicates that the substance is alkaline . If the litmus paper turns red, the substance is alkaline. If it turns blue , is acidic.

The pH varies from one body part to another. For example , the stomach is naturally acidic and has a pH of 2 to 3. Our blood pH should read 7.35 .

You can test your own pH levels. Use your own test kit and a simple saliva pH which can be purchased for less than $ 15. Best done between meals. Put some of your saliva into a plastic spoon and let the color change of litmus paper . Follow the instructions provided in the kit to read the color of the resulting test. A reading of the order of 7.0 is good.


The water in the stomach lining bicarbonate product that helps protect the lining of the gastric juices in the stomach powerful . Water helps reduce heartburn and acid reflux caused by the high level of stomach acid burns. I doubt you already know that most of the water we drink today is acidic. You are viewing pure drink that comes from our aquifers and groundwater. Most water bottles and is much acid is no more than tap water .

You can use the same kits used to test saliva to test the water at home. Reading water + 7.0 to 8.5 is ideal.

Many people think that our diet of processed foods are mostly acid and our acidic water contributes to our poor health and obesity in general. Consider this, the level of a young child is usually around pH 7.5. PH of the average American adult is 6.5. Note that the pH is a logarithmic scale and nonlinear . This means that the difference is much greater than a . No wonder more than 60 million adults suffer from heartburn , acid reflux and GERD .