Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Stomach Acidity, PH, Water and Your Health

You suffer from acid reflux or heartburn? PH too low stomach acid can cause . Do you wake up in the middle of the night with a burning pain in the center of your chest? Do not allow progress . Overtime could be GERD , a more serious health threat .

During antacids is the drug of choice for most people with stomach and acid reflux burns. If your symptoms are chronic, you can choose to see your family doctor . I went to my doctor. He prescribed pills that cost more than $ 100 per bottle me .

I'm sure you've studied what resources are available to relieve heartburn , acid reflux and indigestion. I did it . You have more than likely discovered that the food is the main consideration. Most remedies that claim to eliminate spicy foods , alcohol and snuff . That is logical. The problem is that many of us love these vices.

Stomach acidity and pH

Survey stomach acidity and stomach problems, you will discover that there is a direct relationship between the acidity of the stomach, pH and water . Do you remember your current health and biology in high school that our bodies are 70 % water ? Do not forget to test the fire in chemistry class ? The test measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. PH ( potential of hydrogen or hydrogen parts) was measured .

The pH is in a range of 0 to 14, 7 is neutral . A low number indicates that the substance is acidic. A higher number indicates that the substance is alkaline . If the litmus paper turns red, the substance is alkaline. If it turns blue , is acidic.

The pH varies from one body part to another. For example , the stomach is naturally acidic and has a pH of 2 to 3. Our blood pH should read 7.35 .

You can test your own pH levels. Use your own test kit and a simple saliva pH which can be purchased for less than $ 15. Best done between meals. Put some of your saliva into a plastic spoon and let the color change of litmus paper . Follow the instructions provided in the kit to read the color of the resulting test. A reading of the order of 7.0 is good.


The water in the stomach lining bicarbonate product that helps protect the lining of the gastric juices in the stomach powerful . Water helps reduce heartburn and acid reflux caused by the high level of stomach acid burns. I doubt you already know that most of the water we drink today is acidic. You are viewing pure drink that comes from our aquifers and groundwater. Most water bottles and is much acid is no more than tap water .

You can use the same kits used to test saliva to test the water at home. Reading water + 7.0 to 8.5 is ideal.

Many people think that our diet of processed foods are mostly acid and our acidic water contributes to our poor health and obesity in general. Consider this, the level of a young child is usually around pH 7.5. PH of the average American adult is 6.5. Note that the pH is a logarithmic scale and nonlinear . This means that the difference is much greater than a . No wonder more than 60 million adults suffer from heartburn , acid reflux and GERD .

Lose Belly Fat by Drinking Water

Want to lose belly fat ? You probably know that you have to exercise more and eat healthy. But have you ever thought what you drink may be an important factor in your ability to lose the spirit of belly fat ? After reading this short article you will know why drinking water greatly help in losing belly fat , the amount of drinking water and how water improves your health while losing belly fat .

It might be a surprise to you, but we humans are mostly made ​​of water - about 60% for men and 55% for women. Where does this difference come from? Well , women tend to have more body fat and adipose tissue contains only 14 % water, lean muscle mass while containing 75 % water. This means : In fact, there is a correlation between the amount of water in our bodies and how we are overweight - the thinner , more water.

Our body needs water to function properly. Water removes toxins, and not just in the bathroom . Even if you do not feel like sweating, you're body is constantly pumping water from your skin and lungs. It must be replenished fast can continue for weeks without food, but only days without water.

You should drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 170 pounds , you should drink 65 ounces or about 2 liters.

In our modern society most people drink liquids - these often contain fake sugar or corn syrup added which makes it difficult to lose belly fat . Sodas are a no-no if you want to lose belly sodas called "diet" even fat. You should stay away from too much coffee - caffeine pushes water out of your blood. What many do not know : alcohol needs water to deal with in your body. So drink beer or wine does not help when trying to get enough to drink .

An easy and healthy way to get water is to eat liquid food . In fact, most natural unprocessed foods with a high water content . Think salads or vegetables - this is another reason why salads and vegetables are good for you.

If your stomach is full of water , you will not feel so hungry . A common trick is to eat less to have a low calorie, clear soup before meals. The stomach is full , so eat less automatically . A glass of water would be too .

If you drink enough water , you will not feel compelled to drink sodas - avoid all chemicals and sugars or artificial sweeteners they contain.

In general, our bodies are made to drink plenty of water. It is only very recently that we have begun to abandon the water and switched to soda and other unhealthy drinks. Back to naturally and start drinking water - you will lose belly fat much easier.

Lose 5 Pounds a Week - Lose Water Weight and Burn Body Fat Fast

This is how to lose 5 pounds per week. I'll show you how to lose water weight and burn body fat fast . It is actually quite easy .

Lose 5 pounds per week

To lose weight this week, you have to do two things ...

A . Lose water weight

Two . Burn body fat fast

It is a way to lose water weight . Drink more water . YEP ! It's as simple as that. The reasoning is very logical. When you do not drink enough water, your body thinks water is scarce . So what it does is it keeps the excess water in case of an emergency .

It is a survival mechanism .

Well, it is easy to navigate . Simply drinking more water than your body sees a lot of water and it is not necessary to retain excess water. Once you start drinking more water, your body will release the retained water ... so pounds to lose weight fast .

So drink more water.

To burn body fat fast , you have to do many things . But here is a good tip ... do HIIT . It stands for interval training at high intensity.

It works quickly to burn body fat , because not only can you burn fat at a faster rate during the exercise, but also burn fat at a faster pace for 15-20 hours after you completed the exercise .

With regular exercise , once you have completed the exercise, fat burning takes place at a faster pace.

So how do you HIIT you ?

Just vary the intensity of your ... go very high intensity you almost as fast as you can in something like a treadmill , elliptical, or stair climbing ... do it for 10-15 seconds. Then go to go slow enough for 20-30 seconds .

Continue in this sequence.

Your body is a bit "surprised" by this method and in this state of confusion , the more it burns fat ... and now.

So if you want to lose water weight and burn fat quickly , begin to incorporate these recommendations immediately.

How Often Shall I Water Or Feed My House Plants?

"How often should I water my plant feed or house? " Is the most frequently asked question novice gardeners. The correct answer: "It depends ... " is not as satisfying as a rule of thumb answer like " once a week " could be, but it is the only specific advice that can be given to plants interior .

For example, your home in winter can be almost as dry as a desert. If this is the case, your plants will need more water during the hot and humid summer season. Similarly, plants in small pots will probably need watering more frequently than larger pots , drier pot faster. But while a flowering plant needs more water than at other times , in general , changes in water needs of a plant is not large . Except for cacti and succulents , most plants grow best in soil that is constantly moist wet _no .

A good rule : water whenever the top layer of soil is dry, either daily or weekly . In addition, the water depth to provide sufficient water to wet the ground all the way down .

If the water in the top , make sure you have broken shards , stones or other loose material in the bottom of the pot for good drainage . This is not necessary for the irrigation line . Instead , a lock insert ( preferably glass fiber ) for absorbing water from a plate below , keeping the soil moist .

If the water from the top or bottom , it is good to give the plants the occasional "wet" . Place the pot in a bucket or sink full kitchen so that the boat was half submerged. When the surface is wet, place the plant in one hand and allow the excess water to drain. Then return the plant to its usual location . ( In the process, it is a good idea to syringe the foliage and dust at the same time . )

However, do not let the pot stand in water more than an hour . Excess water for a long period prevents oxygen from getting to the root Ting , the roots must have oxygen.

For most plants ( fat and cactus plants are exceptions) , it is almost impossible to stream, if you provide adequate drainage.

A common mistake made by amateur gardeners inside is excessive fertilization. A little plant food goes a long way , too much can burn the roots and killed a plant. This is particularly important to see for different brands of fertilizer on the market differ in strength. So the trouble to follow the package instructions exactly .

How much food you feed your plants is also influenced by the seasons. Although older plants have a light meal a few weeks during the winter, it is better to stop feeding , except those that bloom during this period. Most foliage plants grown as houseplants are entering a period of reduced growth during the colder months, and give them fertilizer disrupts their natural growth habits . Must also be protected from fertilization of new plants obtained from your florist . They do not need fertilizer for the first six weeks after purchase _en these plants is feeding can be dangerous for them.

Commercial fertilizers always indicated in the package proportions of nutrients they contain . These are usually present are nitrogen , phosphoric acid and potash , usually depicted on the packaging and in the order indicated by the odds ratio .

In an effort to help your plants along , you can exceed supply. It is unwise to assume that any plant sickly Research will benefit from a dose of plant food . The plant is more likely to be sick too little light, too much water or too little, the atmosphere is too dry , or poor soil in the pot.

If your plant is hungry , nitrogen is more likely to be what's missing. Symptoms include yellowing of new leaves , and the lack of implementation of the new growth.

Although the symptoms of an injury gasoline vapors , water and too little light are similar, when one of them is the culprit that is usually found lower leaves turn yellow , while their superiors remain green .

Plant foods are powdered , granular, tablet and liquid . Experiment with all types , following the suggestions below to see what plant foods you prefer.

When dry food is used , do not do it on the ground, and water on the floor at once. The tablets may be inserted into the ground at the outer edge of the pan . These are absorbed under various risks.

Propane Water Heater for the Home

Heats the water house come with a lot of decisions to make , such as type , size, brand and model. Another decision to make is between electricity and propane for your home. There are a variety of advantages to having a choice of which have simply not electric propane gas. Below you can read a list of decisions to make before you upgrade or buy a new one:

You will save a lot of money when choosing a gas water heater propane. Although they cost a little more when you buy , they pay for themselves in recent years of ownership . Some experts said that the cost of a propane water heaters are about a third less to operate than electric model . Operation varies depending on the amount of hot water you use, but an average of about $ 25 per month less than the electric models. This will give you a saving of between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars over the life of the device, which is about 10 years. When the heater , you might appreciate the utility bills is installed.

For someone who had an electric water heater, the memory is fresh to have spent time waiting for the water to warm up so that you can wash the dishes take a shower. It will never be a problem if you have a choice of propane because the rate at which heat water. Most can be heated twice the volume of water in half the time , which proves why you will always have a constant supply of hot water and almost never have to wait to take a shower .

Since the world seems to be more environmentally conscious , one thing you can do to help in this area is going to propane for hot water and other appliances. This is because it releases much less air pollution and is much cleaner and more efficient which means you 'll use less. Not only conserve natural resources, reduce costs on their utility bills .

other considerations
Gas water heater is more effective because of its small size, which makes them able to heat water faster and keep the water warm longer than their electric counterparts. Temperature controls are easier to use in water heaters and propane are more accurate give you plenty of hot water right where you need it . You can also be sure to get the model of propane gas that will fit your needs as they come in more size options , which means you no longer have to settle for a model that is more bigger than what you need or is not sufficient for your needs .

If you are in the market to move to water or propane or buy a new one to save money and enjoy continuous hot water , call us immediately. We are happy to help you decide what your needs and find the right model for your budget and that will fit your home and your needs. We are also available to quickly install the new gas water heater propane so it will be able to enjoy the hot water you need .